YPP Network Description

The MacArthur Research Network on Youth and Participatory Politics (YPP) formed out of recognition that youth are critical to the future of democracy and that the digital age is introducing technological changes that are impacting how youth develop into informed, engaged, and effective actors.

Youth Activism Project - Informing Activists

The Youth Activism Project joined with Mobilizing Ideas to produce a video series that translates academic research on social movements into information young activists, potential organizers, and/or potential protest participants can use in their work. The series includes videos from some of the top scholars in social movements, recommended readings, and other resources on topics ranging from framing to social movement consequences, all tailored to young activists, potential organizers, and/or potential protest participants. For the full video series visit - Informing Activists



This project features work from the following scholars: Katrin Uba (Uppsala University), Neal Caren (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Marco Giugni (University of Geneva), Bert Klandermans (University of Amsterdam), Ziad Munson (Lehigh University), Sharon Nepstad (Arizona State University), Rachel Einwohner (Purdue University), David Meyer (University of California - Irvine), Catherine Corrigall-Brown (University of British Columbia), Lissa Soep (Youth Radio), Tom Maher (University of Arizona), Holly McCammon (Vanderbilt University), Grace Yukich (Quinnipiac University),Rich Wood (University of New Mexico), Sarah Gaby (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), David Snow (University of California - Irvine), Deana Rohlinger (Florida State University), Heidi Reynolds-Stenson (University of Arizona), and Elizabeth Armstrong (University of Michigan).