After decades of decline, civics education may be staging a comeback as teachers help their students make sense of a heated political climate.
Growing partisanship fuels fake news - but we can stop its spread
January 27, 2017Evidence suggests you can teach students to spot fake stories, say Joseph Kahne and Benjamin Bowyer.
Fake Think Tanks Fuel Fake News—And the President’s Tweets
January 24, 2017Fake news isn't just Macedonian teenagers or internet trolls.
Can You Spot Fake News? Don't Be So Sure.
December 29, 2016Joseph Kahne shares that research shows that education and the ability to think critically are key to determining the validity of a news story.
How to Teach High-School Students to Spot Fake News
December 21, 2016A new study Joseph Kahne co-authored, based on a national survey of young people ages 15 to 27, found that self-reported media-literacy training did make people significantly less likely to believe
Teaching In The Post-Truth Era
December 20, 2016In choosing “post-truth” as its word of the year, Oxford Dictionaries was not likely thinking about teachers and students, but the dawning of a post-truth era clarifies a major challenge for progre
In age of fake news, teaching media literacy + quiz
December 16, 2016Many people assume that because youth are fluent in social media they are equally perceptive about what they find there.
Trump Drives Teens to Demonstrate Though They Can't Vote
November 21, 2016"Young people who are politically active and concerned about issues are more likely to vote once they turn 18." Joseph Kahne and Jennifer Earl weigh in on participatory politics among youth in rece
What's The Right Way To Teach Civics?
August 4, 2015Two years ago, the board of the Joe Foss Institute, an Arizona-based nonprofit, started to wonder what else they could be doing to foster civic-mindedness in school-aged children.
U. of C. professor on the power of hashtags in black activism
July 14, 2015An interview with Cathy Cohen discusses the growing role of hashtags and digital media in political discourse and activism.
Can Students Click Their Way to a Better World?
May 14, 2015Technology could help young people learn civics lessons, and use them, too.
Why Are We Teaching Democracy Like a Game Show?
April 22, 2015"Memorizing the answers to a naturalization test will not help students learn about civics," writes Joseph Kahne.
The new civil rights movement doesn't need an MLK
April 10, 2015With the spread and growth of protests against police violence, two questions have captured the public imagination: Will these events lead to a new civil rights moment?
Survey: Young adults want news every day
March 15, 2015A survey conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the American Press Institute finds that young adults are staying more engaged with the world through mobile de
Why getting kids 'college and career ready' isn't enough
October 20, 2014Joe Kahne makes the case for the importance of civic education in the Washington Post's Answer Sheet.
Should Graduation Speakers Talk About Improving the World?
June 17, 2014Since graduation speeches frequently remind youth to draw on their talents to make their communities and the world a better place, why aren't students asked to focus on this more during high school?
Ethan Zuckerman on civic engagement
March 15, 2013It's easy to find alarming evidence that we've lost our way when it comes to civics in the US.
Obama coming to Chicago to 'talk about the gun violence'
February 10, 2013The Chicago-based Black Youth Project attracted about 45,000 signatures by Sunday night in an online petition that urged Obama to speak up against gun violence in Chicago following Sandy Hook.
Petition urges President Obama to visit Chicago in wake of Hadiya Pendleton murder
February 7, 2013A Chicago community organizer and the Black Youth Project are petitioning Obama to come to his hometown to address the escalating gun violence.
Op-Ed - Ron Paul Supporters Might Turn Out to Be the Biggest Proponents of Equality for Women
December 14, 2012Over the last year, I interviewed over 30 participants in the student liberty movement, ages 15-25, and found a surprisingly robust feminist sentiment among many of them.
Op-Ed - Election Day 2012: No Matter How Disenfranchised We Are, Millennials, We Must Vote
November 2, 2012A depressed economy, scarcity of jobs, student debt, and the prospect of moving back to Mom and Dad's; so perhaps it is not too far a stretch to assume young people's general wariness has affected
Op-Ed - Ron Paul and Gary Johnson Do Not Speak for All Young Libertarian Voters in America
October 23, 2012At the outset of my research on young libertarians, I expected to find a great deal of enthusiasm for Libertarian Party nominee, Gary Johnson, and for Ron Paul.
Op-Ed - Moving Beyond Kony 2012 (Sangita Shresthova, Neta Kligler-Vilenchik)
October 22, 2012Based on our research, we believe Kony 2012 traveled so far and fast because of Invisible Children movement supporters.
Youth Using Social Network Tools to Participate in Politics
July 13, 2012Nearly 17 million young people will be newly eligible to vote this November.
The Revolution Will Be Digitized: Black Youth and Digital Social Capital
July 5, 2012Mark Anthony Neal looks at how technology and social media are empowering and creating young activists.
Political Pioneers or Bed Texters
July 3, 2012When it comes to technology, young people, and politics, youth are characterized as either having started the Arab Spring with only their cell phones or as slackers who've dropped out of school to
Young people taking part in politics via new media, but they want help telling fact from fiction
June 30, 2012Young people are sharing information and engaging in politics and policy discussions online like never before, according to a new study co-authored by an East Bay professor.
Youth Politics: Social Media Use Bridges Race, Ethnic Divides: University of Chicago Survey
June 26, 2012The University of Chicago released a new study, "Participatory Politics: New Media and Youth Political Action," which concludes that when it comes to the 15-25 year old age group, there is little d
App Creation Inspires Student Entrepreneurs
June 13, 2012Teams of girls in New York City, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area spent 10 weeks designing a mobile app so they could pitch the final product at a national competition at the end of the
Harry Potter Fans Make Their Own Magic
November 20, 2010They may not have magic, but they're sure doing wonders.
How Harry Potter is inspiring muggles to help from Haiti to Darfur
November 15, 2010The magical Harry Potter movie franchise enters its concluding phase this week, but its impact is still growing.