
YPP Network Description

The MacArthur Research Network on Youth and Participatory Politics (YPP) formed out of recognition that youth are critical to the future of democracy and that the digital age is introducing technological changes that are impacting how youth develop into informed, engaged, and effective actors.

Educating for Participatory Politics Resources

EPP Resources


Welcome to the Educating for Participatory Politics (EPP) collection of resources for educators. Civic and political life has changed in the digital age, and educators are key to preparing all youth to engage as full and effective civic actors in the digital age. The EPP resources curated here were developed by educators themselves or in collaboration with educators. You can explore the site by clicking on one of the four core civic and political practices or by clicking on one of the four teams that developed these resources.


Resources by EPP Practices

These core civic and political practices have changed significantly in the digital age opening up new opportunities for youth as well as presenting unique challenges. To learn more about each practice and find related educational resources click on the icons below.


Investigation - Youth analyze and evaluate information in order to learn about and investigate pressing civic and political issues.





Dialogue & Feedback - Youth engage in dialogue, learn about multiple perspectives, and give feedback to elites on issues of public concern.





Production & Circulation - Youth produce and circulate news and information about issues that matter to them and help shape the broader narrative.




Mobilization - Youth rally their networks and mobilize others to work together to accomplish civic and political goals.





Resources by EPP Teams

Each partner developed resources based on their collaborations in schools in Chicago, Los Angeles and Oakland. These resources include curricula and reflections about integrating digital media into the classroom. To learn more about each partner’s work and the resources specific to that work follow the links below.


The Black Youth Project’s (BYP) New Media Research Program modules focused on key Tools of the Digital Age.


The Educating for Democracy in the Digital Age (EDDA) project developed Digital Civic Curricula and Resources.



The Good Participation Project (GP) at Project Zero and Facing History and Ourselves (FHAO) designed lessons focused on  Habits of Mind in the Digital Age.



The Media, Activism, and Participatory Politics (MAPP) project built resources utilizing By Any Media Necessary in the Classroom






For more detailed information about educating for participatory politics, you can click on the following other resources.


Contact Information

Erica Hodgin, Research Director 

Educating for Participatory Politics Project

Civic Engagement Research Group, UC Riverside

