
YPP Network Description

The MacArthur Research Network on Youth and Participatory Politics (YPP) formed out of recognition that youth are critical to the future of democracy and that the digital age is introducing technological changes that are impacting how youth develop into informed, engaged, and effective actors.

Joseph Kahne

Joseph Kahne is the Ted and Jo Dutton Presidential Professor for Education Policy and Politics and Director of the Civic Engagement Research Group (CERG) at the University of California, Riverside. Professor Kahne's research and writing focuses on ways that education and digital media influence youth civic and political development. Currently, CERG is partnering with Oakland, Chicago, Riverside, LA, and soon two districts in Washington State on district-wide reform efforts that seek to Leverage Equity and Access to Democratic Education (LEADE). Kahne is also engaged in longitudinal studies that examine the impact and distribution of varied civic and media literacy learning opportunities. With Erica Hodgin, he also coordinates the development of teacher resources for the Teaching Channel’s Deep Dive on Educating for Democracy in the Digital Age. Professor Kahne was Chair of the MacArthur Foundation’s Youth and Participatory Politics Research Network. He is currently a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Commission on the Practice of Democratic Citizenship and also advises many civic education reform efforts.